Famous Card Cheats

Card Fraud

Card games appeared quite a long time ago, and even back then there were cheaters who made cheating a very real craft. Numerous players in a wide variety of games had already managed to show off their skills. But there were some who stood out.

George Devol

In the 18th century he became the best, the greatest cheat. Of course, during his school years he had little interest in learning, often failing to turn up at school and getting into bad situations. At 10, he left home and managed to get a job as a cabin boy on a steamboat. The salary was 4 euros for a month of work. And during this activity, at a young age he began to play cards and also fell in love with dice. Almost immediately managed to learn the basic cheating techniques. Devol began to actively follow those people who were good at the game. Such people did not work on their own, then it was no problem to deal with the deck.

It only took him four years to become a master and stack a deck in seconds. Soon he was in Texas, playing with the troops there and winning. It wasn’t until he was able to fool everyone that he returned. It only took him six years and in that time he had 2700 euros. After that came the game in the riverboats, where there were often people who were wealthy. Of course, he was always on the plus side.

As he did not spare his opponent, he carried a gun in his pocket in case there was a showdown. In almost 40 years he won a total of almost 2 million euros. At the end he wrote a book about himself.

History's Greatest Card Cheats

Canada Bill Jones

Another famous hustler who operated in the 19th century. Many say that he really is one of the greats, if not the greatest.

Already from the beginning of his career he was feeling pretty good about himself. In addition, he had accomplices who posed as simpletons, and that is how the commoners reacted to them and lost. He started his game in the courts, and after that he went to play in the trains, too bad there was no Arena Casino gambling house at the time. And at the heart of his success factor was his ability to fool around. In all the time he was able to earn really a lot of money in various gambling games.  But at one point, he himself got caught by cheaters and was left with no money.

Joe Claesson

This man was born in New York City in 1933.  At the age of seven, he and his brother’s uncle began teaching him how to play cards. In time, Joe left for military service and ended up in South Korea. And there he started gambling with servicemen, and tried to play fairly. But on his return, he started cheating with his brother and gambling in casinos. Over time, Joe put together a veritable team of cheats who specialised in different games.